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Poverty has plagued our community for
228 years.

We aren’t GOOD with that.

That’s why we’re eliminating roadblocks to basic needs so Black Families can define and achieve their own success.

GOODProjects works alongside Black Families to define their own success.

We walk alongside families on the path out of poverty.

GOOD is fulfilling the promised 'blessings of liberty' America has withheld from people of color for four centuries.

Darius Baxter, Chief Engagement Officer

the GOOD Impact

Securing a GOOD future.

GOODProjects is empowering youth and their families to live fulfilling lives free from poverty, while helping them develop the mindset to thrive in their own communities. Our mission is to eliminate the roadblocks to basic needs so families can define success for themselves on their pathway to achieving the American Dream. 

We co-create with our community to provide the support families need and deserve.

Our work focuses on creating the place-based, sustainable model to turn poverty-dense communities into GOODZones where 100% of our families sustain incomes at or above $80k a year. We are working to achieve this vision, first in our home of Washington, D.C., and then expanding to communities nationwide. Your support provides us the resources to continue to co-create with communities and their leadership in defining the future of social impact.


Thank You, 2022 Program Partners!

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  • It's very important to me to help others define their own success.

    Autumn Thomas, Program Manager

  • The produce we received was fresh. It made us feel valued.

    GOODZone Resident

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